
Meet Prof. G!

If you're reading this right now, that means you're most likely a student in my RSCH 3020 course. Welcome to the course, and congrats on making it this far in the Honors Program! In your first posts, I asked you to introduce yourselves and your research experience, so I figured I'd do the same. I very much dislike my faculty photo...  My name is Kristi Girdharry, and I teach in the English department here at JWU. Like Drew , I enjoy research, but outside of my academic life I like having a balance between family, friends, being active, and relaxing. I also love to travel, like Bella (and I assume Kyra since she spent a summer in Paris), and am currently rewatching Game of Thrones, which Anais and Gretchen also love! Unlike Alexis , Nick , and Summer , I have never played ice hockey, but I do enjoy sports (much like Christian ). I'm a true Masshole, through and through, and I was born into New England sports, so sorry-not-sorry. Tough life. My big